Foods for Glowing Skin & Healthy Hair

  • Fatty Fish Fish that are high in omega-3 fatty acids have incredible beauty benefits, including glowing skin and shiny strands. About three percent of the hair shaft is made up of omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Red Bell Peppers Did you know that red peppers contain far more skin-boosting vitamin C than oranges ? ‘When light hits your skin, it creates free radicals. These bounce around inside your skin and lead to DNA damage, which turns into aging.’ The antioxidants attach themselves to free radicals and neutralize them so that they can’t do damage. Loading up on red peppers will help keep your skin younger-looking.
  • Spinach Not only does spinach give you strength, but it’s also a major anti-ager. It is rich in beta carotene, which converts into the powerful anti-aging vitamin A. This nutrient is crucial for allowing proper moisture retention to the epidermis, helping to prevent wrinkles and remove dead skin.
  • Coconut The water from coconuts is a great natural hydration aid and contains potassium, an electrolyte that helps move nutrients into our cells. Coconut oil, which is high in healthy fats, vitamins E and K and minerals, is one of the best natural nutrients for your hair, boosting growth and shine by moisturizing the scalp.
  • Avocado Oil Avocados contain good amounts of vitamins A, D and E and omega-9 fatty acids ‘ one of the building blocks of healthy skin ‘ which is highly concentrated in the oil. All of these nutrients help to even out skin tone over time when added to your diet regularly.
  • Walnuts These nuts have omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which help the body retain moisture, giving your mane a healthy-looking shine. The protein content of the walnuts helps boost hair follicles, making hair fuller and stronger.
Dt. Shivali Malhotra
Dietitian & Nutritionist